3 Pack Rhodiola Rose Root Extract 500 mg 3 x 120 Capsules VEGAN / VEGETARIAN
No stress - rose root extract.
The rose root, Latin Rhodiola rosea, has long been a popular medicinal plant for many people, which can help the body to adapt to our ever faster everyday life. The plant owes its name, which can be found in Asia and Europe as well as in North America, to the rose scent that develops when you cut the roots.
While the shoots and leaves are consumed - both raw and cooked - in the home countries of the plant, root and rhizome are primarily used for rose root extract. In addition to phenolic glycosides, z. B. salidroside, tyrosol and rosavin, also flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, terpenoids and various organic acids.
Thanks to the stimulating effects of rose root, it is often recommended for stress-related exhaustion and tiredness, but is also used to increase cognitive performance.